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Wind Water Harmony, a unique pop-up shoppe crafted by Diana DiCristina, offers a serene oasis for those looking to integrate the harmonious principles of feng shui and the vibrant energy of crystals into their lives. Diana's profound expertise in feng shui consulting, combined with her extensive background in home improvement and design, enables her to create spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also energetically balanced, fostering wellness and inner peace.

At Wind Water Harmony, Diana merges the ancient art of feng shui with the natural power of crystals to enhance one's living environment and personal energy. Feng shui, the practice of arranging your surroundings in harmony with nature, is complemented by the beauty and vibrational qualities of crystals, which are considered direct gifts from the Earth. Diana believes that everything around us is imbued with energy, and by mindfully curating our spaces with the right elements, we can attract positive changes and nurture our spirits.

Diana's approach goes beyond traditional décor; it's about creating a flow of energy that supports well-being, prosperity, and happiness. Each item in her pop-up shoppe is selected for its ability to contribute to a holistic sense of balance and beauty. Whether you are new to feng shui and crystals or looking to deepen your existing practice, Diana offers guidance and expertise to help you discover how these elements can enhance your living spaces and personal energy.

Visitors to Wind Water Harmony are invited to explore a collection of specially chosen crystals, each with unique properties that resonate at different frequencies to promote healing, clarity, and balance. In addition, Diana offers feng shui consultations to help individuals apply these principles to their own homes or offices, ensuring that each space not only looks beautiful but also feels aligned and harmonious.

Diana DiCristina's decades of experience in the home industry, from remodeling and project management to design and color consulting, provide her with a unique perspective that she brings to every aspect of Wind Water Harmony. Her master-level expertise in feng shui allows her to seamlessly integrate practical design solutions with spiritual elements, creating environments that reflect both her clients' style and their desire for a more grounded, peaceful life.

Join Diana at Wind Water Harmony to reconnect with the energy of the Earth, shop for beautiful crystals, and embrace the tranquil beauty of living in harmony with your surroundings. Whether you're looking to transform your space or enrich your spiritual journey, Diana offers the tools and insight to guide you on your path.



  • 4-15-2024 BRAINERD, MN