becky steinhoff

artist. jeweler. visionary.

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Becky Steinhoff, a holistic health practitioner, embodies the essence of living a life aligned with one's true self. Through her teachings in meditation, jewelry making, and Reiki Levels 1 through 3, Becky not only imparts valuable skills but also guides others toward finding their inner voice and purpose. Her philosophy, deeply influenced by mentors and the principle that self-awareness leads to purposeful action, resonates throughout her work. Becky's journey into Core Passion Mastery revealed to her that everyone possesses innate gifts, highlighting the universal potential for creativity and excellence, alongside the challenges that accompany these gifts. For Becky, creativity is her greatest gift, and focus, her biggest challenge—a hurdle she overcomes through the grounding practice of meditation.

Becky's life is a testament to the belief that it's never too late to embrace one's dreams. Music and nature serve as her muses, with walking and the companionship of her dogs providing a direct connection to the source of her inspiration. The stories of individuals living their dreams fuel her ambition, as do the podcasts she listens to while crafting her jewelry. From a young age, Becky aspired to be an author and an artist—a dream that she's realizing in full measure as she plans to publish and illustrate two children's books.

Her path to self-fulfillment was not straightforward but filled with explorations and discoveries that shaped her understanding of her purpose. Now, at 60, Becky celebrates the "aha" moments that guided her to this point of realization and creative actualization. She advocates for a life lived in pursuit of passion, challenging the notion that financial security should tether one to unfulfilling work. Becky's perspective is a beacon for those caught in the dichotomy between practicality and passion, highlighting the universe's capacity to support those who dare to align with their true selves.

Becky's narrative is a powerful reminder of the Tarot's Fool—a symbol of new beginnings, potential, and the courage required to step into the unknown with faith. Her life encourages others to take that leap, embracing the possibility of a fulfilling and abundant existence. By sharing her journey, Becky Steinhoff not only teaches skills for the body and mind but also lessons for the soul, urging all to find what makes their heart sing and to pursue it with the full support of the universe.



  • 4-15-2024 BRAINERD, MN